A Letter from Pastor Gene
Dear Agape Family,
We are excited to introduce you to our Vision Campaign TRANSFORM BY HIS LOVE! Many of you have wondered about what our next steps are for a more permanent ministry space for our church family. While we know that we are exactly where God wants us with meeting in the school for now, we know that He also has plans for us in transforming our community in more impactful ways in the future. One possibility we are exploring is a joint venture with the Hope Center and having a community event center under one roof, but part of this journey is remaining open to the Lord’s direction.
The key to our TRANSFORM BY HIS LOVE Vision Campaign is prayer! We see a time of decisive action ahead. Our community, country, and the world is perishing and we have the answer they need: Jesus Christ. Please join us with what God is doing and seize the opportunities that He has given us at this time as we TRANSFORM BY HIS LOVE. It will take FAITH, trust, unity, heart, and action to see God move in the miraculous to conquer obstacles and make an eternal impact in our community.
Whether you have been a part of the Agape family for a long time or this is your first week, you are here because God has a calling on your life. Part of that story is what God is going to do in you and through you in these coming years. My prayer is that as we go through this campaign together, God will make His vision (for your life and for the life of our church) so clear that you will not only be excited about it, but also willing to pursue Him with everything that you have to see it accomplished. And as we go on this journey together, we invite you join with us in seeing God’s purposes for this church and His Kingdom.
Our involvement in the community, the practical ways of being the hands and feet of Jesus to people, has had an incredible impact that will be in place for generations to come. I’m excited about what God has instore for our future. Our goal with this vision campaign is for God open our eyes to what He wants us to trust Him in. We aim to foster prayer and unity in vision and purpose to see God provide
freedom in our finances for the vision He has given us for Agape, Marysville, and beyond.
Gene Miller
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 CorInthians 3:18
How can I be a part?
You can join us in prayer, fasting and pressing into what God has next for us! You can also give anytime with the link below. If you have any questions about the Vision Campaign, reach out to Gene at genemiller@agapemarysville.org